Smart solutions for glass protectionWe provide smart and cost effective solutions for dealing with glass scratch graffiti.Welcome to our website! Here's where you will find information on GlassMasters' smart solutions for dealing with scratched glass resulting from glass scratch graffiti or etching. GlassMasters is a leading provider of glass protection services in New Zealand. Our innovative, cost effective and environmentally friendly solutions to the problem of scratched glass vandalism help government departments, Councils, transport operators, building owners and businesses to manage this type of vandalism effectively. We supply and install anti-graffiti window film - a super strong two-ply bonded optically pure window film which can be applied to any smooth non-porous surface such as glass, stainless steel and Polycarbonate. Once applied, the anti-graffiti window film acts as an invisible sacrificial barrier between the vandal and your property. Should the window be scratched by vandals, the anti-graffiti window film can easily be removed and replaced. A simple, smart and low cost solution. At GlassMasters we want to provide you with not just products and services but smart solutions for dealing with scratched glass. Our innovative Printed Anti-Graffiti Window Film does just that. Read on... Responding quickly to glass graffiti vandalism is the best way to prevent future damage. Contact us today to discuss your needs. |